Sunday, October 18, 2009

Part One of Midterm: Performance Art

Michael Bosanko's Spider in the Desert
No name given for the piece. However, Patrick Rochon is the artist of this piece.

Eric Staller's image of the the city just before sunrise.

The art world is something that changes constantly throughout history, and remains to change today. Artists of all different time periods had their different concepts of what they believed to be art. conflicts have even emerged over among opposing groups arguing about what is and is not some form of art. In today's culture, creating new forms of art does not cause major conflict amongst people like is did preivously. Today, artists create what they believe to be their own forms of art. One new form of art that has recently emerged is art called performance art. Performance art emerged in the 1960s, and was viewed as anything that had action. Rather than just drawing painting a picture, or creating a sculpture, performance art attempts to make the artist think about what action is being presented or is taking place at that time. Creating your own form of performance art is not that hard of a thing for an artist to do. The piece of art that I will be creating is an art referred to as light graffiti. Light graffiti is a different, usual form of art, one that takes place in different areas, with different backgrounds. Some include pitch black darkness, in which the onlly thing seen is the bright lights, commonly called light painting, is the only thing seen. Others include backgrounds with lighted backgrounds. This piece features a baseball player hitting a baseball with his bat. The bat is just hitting the the baseball when the picture is captured. The force of the bat hitting the baseball creates a burst of color going in various directions.

The piece described above is a very unique piece of art, one that really catches a person in action, in this case, a baseball player. It tried to show people the excitement that comes with getting a hit in baseball. When a baseball player connects with the baseball, they know that they have gotten a good hit. It's just the way you connect with the bat. This piece in particular captures the intensity of the moment. The bat connecting with the baseball just right is an exciting thing, which is why there is a variety of colors going off in all different directions for the ball and baseball. The player's eyes are highlighted in red. While the rest of his body is outlined in blue, his eyes are a very bright red. The red eyes are there to show the focus in his eyes. He is determined to get this hit, and he is extremely focused on the ball. His eyes follow the ball from the time it leaves the pitcher's hand to when it hits off the end of his bat.

Many other artists practice this type of performance art. Graffiti artists are what people call them. Graffiti lighting is a very unique, easy way to exemplify the the excitement of a certain event that is taking place. People can get very creative with this form of art, and so whatever it is they want with it. Whether it just is taking a picture and adding the graffiti lights or it be actually performing an action with characters and lights. Some other graffiti artists include Michael Bosanko, Patrick Rochon, and Eric Staller. Micheal Bosanko's pieces deal with light interacting with its surroundings. Patrick Rochon on the other hand, uses light to illuminate those featured in his pieces through photography or video. He captures people in whatever stance they are in and illuminates them with different lights. Eric Staller takes his pieces and focuses every single on of them on New York City. He uses his art to emphasize the different locations in the city. He uses different, weird shapes to exemplify different places in the city.

The piece that was created and discussed above is an excellent example of graffiti art, making it an excellent example of performance art. Many different artists practice this form of art because it is so different, and fun. As seen, there are all sorts of different types of graffiti art. Each artist; Bosanko, Rochon, and Staller each have their own unique form of graffiti art. The piece with the baseball player hitting the baseball would probably be most closely related to the Michael Bosanko pieces. His pieces show different things doing different actions. However, it also includes some of Rochon's characteristics, in that the light exemplifies the baseball player that is hitting the ball. Graffiti art is a very awesome way for artists to get their point across to their viewers. The viewers are more attracted to this form of art because they are actually being entertained by some sort of performance. Performance art has the actual action that actual visual art lacks.

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