Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Contemporary Art

Contemporary art is a different form of art, one that many people would not consider to be art. Paintings, sculptures, music, and even poetry are things that most common people would classify as art. Art is something that contains a lot of different things, sometimes more things than meet the actual eye. Art does not have to be something that you make or do in a studio, it can be anywhere you want it to be. It can be whatever it is you imagine it to be. Art can involve actual action and participation as well. Contemporary art is a way to take art to another, higher level, a new level very different from other art forms.
Art known by many is not something that is very important. It's not important in the sense that nothing that comes from art would significantly change a society. There may be a society in which art is very important to the people within it; however, it does not physically change their lives in any way. Some may argue with such a statement, however, majority of people don't feel that art can have a change on the world we live in. Contemporary art changes this view of art to people. Contemporary art is a way for people to make art in a constructive way. People find themselves more engaged in forms of contemporary art. This form of art deals with much more than creations made inside the studio. It deals with more public content of life. It introduces people to the environmental and social aspects of life. There is a huge variety of ways for people to participate in forms of contemporary art. Clear to what the ideas of contemporary art are, what is an actual example of this type of art? A perfect example can come from an article on contemporary art called The Nature of Beauty in Contemporary Art by Suzi Gablik. In this article, Gablik writes about a friend of hers from Santa Fe, Dominique Mazeaud. Dominique initiates a project called "The Great Cleansing of the Rio Grande River." Her project consists of her going to the river, once a month, with a couple of friends and picking garbage out of the river. Each time she visits the river, she writes down her thoughts on the her experiences that day with her friends and the river itself. Overtime, her friends loose interest in the project. Dominique, however, still felt the need to go to the river and enjoy its company and beauty. Not even to pick of garbage, she continues to go to the river every month as if it was a friend of hers. This is contemporary art. Dominique becomes involved with her environment by visiting the river every month. The original notion of going to clean the river is forgotten. The only thing that she wants to do in the end is just be with the river and enjoy it's company. Contemporary art helps people get in touch with their inner self. It helps them appreciate things such as nature. With the appreciation of the world you live in, you appreciate life itself in the highest sense.
It is extremely important for everybody in the world to appreciate life for what it is, and thank God for such a wonderful gift. Many people today forget about how lucky they are to be here, living in this world. Contemporary art introduces these things to people. When people participate in forms of contemporary art, they come out of the experience with some sort of appreciation for what life has to offer for them. Life is full of surprises, good and bad. Knowing this, people should always be appreciative and happy of what they have. Although so many people are selfish and unaware of the great gift given to us, contemporary art attempts to show people just how lucky they truly are to be where they are today.

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